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Se avecina una vibrante reunión de bautistas hispanos para evangelismo, adoración y capacitación

INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – La tan esperada reunión familiar anual de los bautistas del sur está cada vez más cerca, y los bautistas hispanos están emocionados y listos para celebrar todo lo que Dios está haciendo a través de las iglesias hispanas en casa y en el extranjero.

Crecen los bautismos y la asistencia de los bautistas del sur, se desacelera el descenso de miembros

BRENTWOOD, Tennessee (BP) - Los bautismos, la asistencia a los servicios de adoración y la participación en grupos pequeños crecieron en 2023 entre las congregaciones afiliadas a la Convención Bautista del Sur, mientras que el reciente declive en la membresía total entre las congregaciones se desaceleró.

La Comisión de EE.UU. para la Libertad Religiosa Internacional publica su informe anual 2024

WASHINGTON (BP) – La Comisión Estadounidense para la Libertad Religiosa Internacional (USCIR), en su informe 2024, instó al Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos a añadir 15 naciones a la lista actual de infractores graves de la libertad religiosa, y recomendó orientaciones políticas clave para la administración Biden.

La ‘promoción de 2023’ da fruto y bautiza a creyentes en toda Norteamérica

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (BP) – Antes de organizar Port City Church en 2023, el misionero Jeremy Dager y su equipo central trabajaron duro para involucrar a su comunidad en los preparativos de su lanzamiento.

Pastors, teach and model civility

As William Wilberforce, the 18th and 19th century member of Parliament, fought for the abolition of slavery, he also led a “manners” crusade in England. He saw a direct correlation in the public arena between the way citizens treated and spoke to each other, including toward those trapped in slavery, and what shaped their personal attitude.

‘Galling lack of concern’ at the center of W.Va. transgender athlete controversy, church says

BRIDGEPORT, West Va. (BP) — Simpson Creek Baptist Church’s record in defending free speech goes back further than the United States itself.

Christian presence quickly dwindling in Gaza after seven months of war

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (BP) -- At Easter, Gaza Baptist Church leader Shady Al-Najjar described those sheltered in the church’s remnants as “too tired to suffer,” living “very difficult” and “useless” days.

N.C. pastor offers insights into SBC nomination process

INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – The Southern Baptist Convention Committee on Nominations is responsible for presenting nominees to messengers at the SBC annual meeting for individuals to serve in a variety of capacities across SBC life. These positions include members of the SBC Executive Committee; trustees for SBC entities, institutions and commissions; and members of standing committees, except certain positions on the Credentials Committee.

South Carolina women ‘Go Experience’ sharing Gospel, partnering with IMB

HONEA PATH, S.C. (BP) – Rwanda? Kenya? No trip sounded right. So, Katie kept searching for the perfect short-term mission trip on the International Mission Board’s Go Experience website. Her women-only team from First Baptist Church Honea Path wanted a place where they could use their gifts and maybe look into a partnership.

Alaska town sees church at work

PETERSBURG, Alaska – You can’t get to Petersburg by accident.